Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Bally's to Crossfit

In my previous blogs I wrote about not being athletic or playing any sports. I also wrote about my unhappy life and marriage.

In 2011 I lost my mom suddenly of a massive heart attack. I left my spouse of 10 years. My kids and I moved from a 3,000 sq ft house to a 1 bedroom apartment with my dad. Sad to say, that is what finally got me into the gym. My mom was overweight and unhappy for as long as I can remember. The last 3 years of her life it got worse. I didn't want to be like this.

I started "working out" at Bally's. I would take my kids to school go to Bally's for 3 hours and do almost nothing. Their were days I would walk in and say "I don't want to do this" and turn and walk out. Their were days that I would sit on a bike watching tv for half an hour or walk on the treadmill. I would then go and mess around on the machines. Finally I would go sit in the hot tub, steam room and sauna. That completed my "workout". I did lose about 10 pounds in about 5 months.

In September 2011, I told my brother I wanted to train in kickboxing or Muay Thai. He told me I needed to lose weight first and to start crossfit. I had no idea what crossfit was or even where to look for classes.

In October 2011, I drove down 78th Avenue in Thornton and saw a sign that said crossfit, free classes. I emailed them as soon as I got home. After emailing them I searched google and found some youtube videos. The videos I found were intimidating but nothing like what you see now. If all this was to happen now, I would of never attempted crossfit. My first class was on October 10, 2011. I was scared, I didn't know what to think. I didn't know what to wear. I sucked it up and walked in the box (crossfit term for gym.)

The owner was super nice. Another lady showed up right before class started. She was tall, thin and very athletic. I thought "great I can't compete with her." The first thing we did was take a 400m jog. I thought "oh this is easy." Yeah right! I tried my hardest to keep up with the other gal. I was dying when I came in and ready to go home. It took me sometime to catch my breath. Once returning from the run I tried to play it off like that was easy. We stretched a little and I think we may have done some squats as a strength portion. I do not remember! Then it was time for the workout. WHAT! None of that was the actual workout. Oh shit I am going to die.

My first workout was:
5 rounds for time of:
20 Double Unders 5 Handstand Push-ups 10 Knees-to-elbows 15 Weighted Lunges 95 lb
I have no idea what I did for any of this. I obviously couldn't do any of it as RX (term used for doing a workout exactly like its written). Once this was complete we were done. YAY! Finally done. All of that, kick ass workout, was only 1 hour. I did more in that 1 hour then I did in a whole month at Bally's. 

When I got home I had to climb 3 flights or stairs. That wasn't happening. I sat in my car for 30 minutes before I decided to attempt the stairs. 

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